Titan legends legend maker reddit
Titan legends legend maker reddit

Starfire eventually becomes the most powerful of the Titans, particularly as she gains experience in the stories. She's also royalty, so it's not unlikely that she's used to speaking formally.Spock Speak: A rare version in that she does not speak this way due to a fascination with logic/science, but as a sign of her relative inexperience with Earth languages.Pardon My Klingon: For a girl who is supposed to be sweet and innocent, she uses Tamaranian swears frequently.Cloudcuckoolander: Justified, she is, after all an alien adjusting to Earth life.Blunt Metaphors Trauma: She eventually learns some nuances of English and exploits this at times to lead her teammates on.Not to mention the three/four meter long prehensile tongue. Apologetic Attacker: This changes drastically as the timelines progress, where she becomes more pragmatic and stoic in fights.Powers And Abilities: Flight, superstrength, projecting "starbolts" from hands and/or eyes, learning languages by kissing perhaps partially because it gives her an excuse to get closer to her leader. Starfire is deeply fascinated by Earth and enjoys learning new things. Starfire is a strange mixture of personality traits most of the time, she acts quite gentle and demure, possibly due to expectations of Earth culture and desire to better assimilate in her adopted home, but when the need arises she can be as much the fearsome warrior as any of her comrades. Like all her species, Starfire can fly, is super strong, is extremely durable, and can hurl energy blasts called "starbolts". meeting with the other future Teen Titans, who came to her defense against the Gordanians.

titan legends legend maker reddit

Unfortunately for her captors, Starfire, while apparently rather naive and gentle by Tamaranian standards, was too much for them to handle, breaking loose and flying to Earth. When her planet was attacked and devastated by the Gordanians, Starfire's elder sister Blackfire made a peace settlement with the invaders by giving them her younger sibling as a slave. Technically the reason the Teen Titans exist in this show, Starfire is the second of the three children of the Royal Family of Tamaran. Tall, Dark, and Handsome: He's not really tall when he's a teenager, but he's definitely dark and handsome.The Stoic: Batman has apparently rubbed off on him, but this eventually lightens up a bit when Savior takes it to extreme levels and has several breakdowns.Not Himself: Particularly in the 9:40am arc of Flashing Lights and Sounds.This can go to extremes when tensions within the team threaten to break it apart at various points in the timeline. Fatal Flaw: Unlike the animated show, Robin is much more laid back, less paranoid, and has a great deal of pride in his work and the team.Crazy-Prepared: (Half-subverted in that he has a very specific range of gadgets, instead choosing to apply them in creative ways.) This attribute has also worn off greatly onto both Cyborg and Savior.Catchphrase "Teen Titans.GO!" Sometimes shortened to "Titans.GO!".Powers and Abilities: Badass Normal with a variety of weapons and devices. This resulted in a very different characterization of Robin over time in the Legendverse stories. This resulted in royally screwing up the timeline, as it was revealed through Mythology Gags he was Dick Grayson, the First Robin.

titan legends legend maker reddit

Despite this, he is loyal to his team and takes threats against them seriously indeed.ĭue to the ambivalence in the show, Legend Maker was unsure of which Robin to portray in the story and decided on Timothy Drake (the Third Robin). He's also got issues of his own, namely a tendency to fixate on problems to such an extent that he stops paying attention to anything but "the mission", which has damaged his friendships on more then one occasion. However, he's Batman's ex-sidekick, and this means he shares his mentor's fixation on discipline and hard work, which can put him at odds with his more relaxed teammates. Robin is, at heart, a fairly normal teenager, enjoying hanging out and chilling as much as his comrades do. Robin left his position as Batman's sidekick and moved all the way to Jump City to start working solo, only to end up taking charge of the Teen Titans on his first night there and deciding, afterwards, that heading a team might not be so bad after all. Trained by Batman, he manages to keep on an even keel with a team of metahumans through his intelligence, tactical skills, and martial arts prowess.

Titan legends legend maker reddit