Serenity kids baby food
Serenity kids baby food

To make sure you're giving your child the very best, we put several brands to the test through a panel of kids, moms and editors to see which organic baby food products are the best for your baby. Our experts say you can and should keep giving carrots and sweet potatoes because they contain important nutrients, but given that they grow in the ground, they may naturally contain higher levels of heavy metals so be sure to serve them along with other fruits and vegetables. Opt for grain-based cereals and snacks instead of rice-based options and be sure to limit fruit juices. It is nearly impossible to completely avoid these metals, but parents can minimize the risk by feeding their baby a variety of foods. Stage 4 foods are for babies at least one year of age and typically indicate that table food can be introduced.Ī note on heavy metals in baby food: If you’ve heard about concerns regarding heavy metals in baby food, it’s important to know that they are naturally occurring and enter the food supply from natural sources like soil, water and air. Stage 3 foods are for babies 9-12 months, and they feature a lot of different textures and new flavors. Stage 2 foods are best for babies ages 6-9 months and start to incorporate more than one ingredient. Talk to your pediatrician to help guide you throughout the process, and remember that it’s important for babies to advance through the stages on their own time.Īs a general rule of thumb, Stage 1 foods generally consist of a single ingredient purees and are ideal for babies ages 4-6 months. Keep in mind that every baby develops differently, and some babies are ready for stage 2 before they are 7 months old, while others may not be ready until they are closer to 10 months old.

serenity kids baby food

Encouraging an abundance and variety of fruits and vegetables at all ages is key, but organically grown produce can provide some additional benefits without the GMOs or preservatives.Īnd speaking of ages, our nutrition experts point out that baby food stages aren’t standardized but there are general guidelines that many brands utilize.

serenity kids baby food

And certain studies show that organic fruits and vegetables have significantly more antioxidant polyphenols than conventionally grown produce. Since the National Organic Program of the USDA has developed strict rules and regulations that govern USDA certified organic foods, those carrying the USDA organic seal cannot contain GMOs or any artificial preservatives, colors or flavors. Luckily, there are several pre-made organic baby food options that take the guesswork out of feeding your child. Making baby food from scratch can be stressful and time consuming, especially when it comes to appeasing picky eaters.


(If you don’t believe me about these meal replacement shakes, feel free to do a little digging on the internet about them if you like – and read this cancer patient’s blog, it’s staggering and will stick with you.) Now, I’m not recommending that Serenity Kids is going to replace every-day adult meals, but they can certainly be used in confidently as nutrient-dense snacks or the occasional meal replacement.As a busy parent, time isn’t always on your side.

serenity kids baby food

All too often older ones fall into the horrible belief that meal replacement shakes are great, fast options to give them all the nutrients they need when they’re too tired or don’t feel like cooking for themselves … because after-all the labels tout how many “wonderful” vitamins they contain and the doctors recommend them! YIKES! I won’t get into the details about these products, but rest-assured that we did a TON of research on them and their contents when the doctors handed me my diagnosis and a six-pack of these things and tried to tell me that I might have to rely heavily on them. Before I wrap up, I want to suggest one final demographic that also resonates with me for this product – the elderly.

Serenity kids baby food